Welcome to Bdaily, the digital-first, national business news platform.
A proudly independent multimedia publisher, we showcase the organisations and individuals at the heart of economic, political and cultural change.
Led by an experienced reporting team, we craft daily news stories and feature articles alongside expert analysis and informed opinion that goes beyond the headlines to provide deeper meaning and understanding.
Published across our multi-platform website, email bulletin and social media channels, our original journalism – which is complemented by commercial partnerships – amplifies companies' voices, celebrates their domestic and global impression, provides a platform for next-generation ideas to flourish and leads conversations that set blueprints for prosperity.
Through our blend of independent and commercial coverage, our mission is simple: celebrate businesses successes, support the delivery of future endeavours and lay the foundations for wider economic and social progress.
Peter Mallon
Managing and creative director
John Duns
Business development director
Steven Hugill
Sarah Law
Partnership and marketing manager
Colin Young
Business content writer
Peter Anderson
Digital content manager
Sian Anderson
Digital marketing consultant