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Social landlord appoints Naylors to work on £800k worth of projects
A team of building surveyors at Naylors Chartered Surveyors have been instructed on eight new projects for social landlord Isos Housing with a combined value of £800k.
The firm will carry out works to a variety of residential properties ranging from a listed building in Grainger Street to a four-storey property in Jesmond and tower blocks in Gateshead.
Naylors’ team have already commenced work on a number of the schemes which involves the refurbishment of common areas, improving accessibility for physically impaired tenants and carrying out fire risk assessments to ensure the buildings comply with current legislation.
Although the majority of the department’s work is focused on commercial property, Naylors have found a growing demand for building surveying work in the Housing Association sector.
Jason Carr, head of building consultancy at Naylors commented: “These latest instructions are great news for our building team, Isos approached us directly for professional advice and we have built on the relationship from there.
“Isos is one of the largest housing associations in the North East and we are delighted to be one of their approved suppliers.”
Isos, a not-for-profit housing association which owns and manages more than 12,000 homes, from Berwick down to Stockton and across to Cumbria.
Andy Kennedy, support services manager for Isos Housing, commented: “We have a very extensive property portfolio where repairs and maintenance work has to be managed and organised effectively to deliver an excellent service to our tenants.
“Naylors have already proven to be a valuable partner in the projects they have worked on so far, we have found the expertise of their building team particularly helpful.”
This was posted in Bdaily's Members' News section by Tom Keighley .
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