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Landlords should use reputable agent to realise buy-to-let sector potential claims PWR
As a national survey revealed that 92 per-cent of letting agents believe the national buy-to-let sector will grow by at least five per-cent this year, a Nottingham property consultancy is encouraging potential investors to use a professional letting agent to have the best chance of tapping into this potential growth.
The Buy-to-Let Survey 2014, commissioned by The Mortgage Works, also showed that two thirds of rental intermediaries believed that first time landlords and those with small portfolios were going to be key growth areas for the buy-to-let industry.
PWR Property Consultants, with offices in Nottingham and Mansfield, has warned that potential investors should use an agent with a wealth of experience in letting properties expediently and avoiding the potential pitfalls, to reap the full benefits of the buy-to-let sector growth.
Simon Perkins, partner at PWR Property Consultants said: “2014 looks to be a year of strong growth in the buy-to-let sector. However, that does not mean every landlord will benefit. Our comprehensive service based upon years of experience offers property listing within 24 hours, property management, mortgage finance advice and acquisitions, meaning that our landlords will be able to fully realise the potential growth in the buy-to-let market.”
The report listed that the three main concerns of letting agents were incoming buy-to-let regulation, base rate increases, and the growth in housing prices.
Simon added: “At PWR, our wealth of experience from letting and managing over 1,300 properties locally, means that we are likely to understand how any arising concerns in the buy-to-let industry are likely to impact on our landlords’ investment. When landlords entrust their properties with us, they can be safe in the knowledge that there is a greater chance of maximising the return on their investment than with a less reputable agent, or by themselves.”
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