Partner Article
Hartlepool regeneration scheme gives street new lease of life
A partnership of Hartlepool residents, ward councillors, the Neighbourhood Policing Team and Hartlepool Council services stakeholders have launched a regeneration scheme to transform Baden Street, infamous for its high levels of crime, anti-social behaviour and empty properties.
The scheme has so far witnessed an abundance of success following capital investment of £63,000 from the Council, coupled with investment of around £90,000 by landlords..
Crime and anti-social behaviour have fallen by 90% and 78% respectively, whilst there has been a 56% reduction in empty homes and a 92% reduction in boarded-up properties.
Landlords have been encouraged to improve property and management standards, whilst small environmental improvements have been carried out in the street and a number of properties have undergone significant renovation.
Landlords have actively engaged in the scheme, but, where necessary, enforcement action has been taken to improve property standards.
Burn Valley Ward Councillor and Chair of the Baden Street Working Group, Councillor Jonathan Brash, said: “The success of the pilot scheme managed by Hartlepool Council has been underpinned by fantastic support from local residents and other partners.
“We have listened to the concerns of local people and we have managed to turn around a street that was in very grave danger of going beyond repair.
“All of the properties renovated to date have been quickly occupied, but work is continuing on further properties that will be ready soon.
“We would encourage anyone looking for a new home to contact the Council as soon as possible.
“New residents are being reference checked through the Council’s Good Tenants Scheme to ensure there is no previous history of criminal activity or anti-social behaviour.
The job is not finished, however, and we will keep going. Nevertheless, Baden Street is a great example of what can be achieved by working together.“
Vice-Chair of Hartlepool Council’s Regeneration Services Committee, Councillor Kevin Cranney, said: “The partnership working involved in the Baden Street project has undoubtedly been at the heart of its success.
“An area that had displayed significant problems is being vastly improved and it proves that by working together we can improve the quality of life of local people and rebuild communities.”
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