Partner Article
Marketing agency whose clients include Microsoft and Sennheiser in £6.6m acquisition
Digital marketing agency Twogether Creative Ltd has been acquired by digital communications group Next 15.
The deal sees Next 15 stump up £6.6m for the Harlow-based agency, who count electronic giants like Lenovo, Microsoft and Sennheiser amongst its clients.
As part of the agreement, London-based Next 15 will pay an initial £4m in cash with the rest of the balance settled through the issue of new shares.
Although UK-based, Twogether drew almost 40% of its revenues from US-based clients last year and is eyeing further expansion across the Atlantic in the coming years.
Tim Dyson, Chief Executive Officer of Next 15, said: “Twogether is a great addition to the Group. Its digital offerings, software platform and client base make it very complementary to our other agencies.
It is also a business that is looking to expand its US customer base, something we are well placed to help with. Of equal importance, however, is the strong cultural fit between Twogether and our other businesses.
It will enable the Group to get full value out of these investments through natural organic collaboration.“
Kirsty Gilchrist, Chief Executive Officer of Twogether, added: “Next 15’s commitment to the technology sector and passion for creativity and innovation was an obvious fit with our guiding principles at Twogether.
“Our specialism and expertise in B2B marketing for technology has been a key differentiator for our success over the last three years.
It was vital for us to find a group who understood and were aligned with our focus and dedication, but who could also provide the global support and infrastructure we require to accelerate our US growth. We are incredibly excited by the possibilities that will come from being part of the Next 15 Group.“
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