Partner Article
5 Ways Business Leaders Can Break out of the Box of Conformity
Iona Russell is a Highly Qualified Psychology Expert, Best-selling Author and International Master Breakthrough Coach, helping entrepreneurs and business leaders to break out of the box of conformity and to live a life of passion, purpose and prosperity.
Here she shares with BDaily her tips on how Business Leaders can break out of the box of conformity.
Iona said; “Do you ever feel stuck, unmotivated or hustling all hours with no fulfilment? It could be that you’re conforming to a system, a way, a perceived idea or thought… that isn’t aligned to you.
“The reality is; ‘you don’t have to do it the way you’ve always done it!’ If you don’t change your circumstances and your mindset you are choosing to be the way you are. Most people are trying to change their lives by doing the same thing they have always done and they expect different results. They need to interrupt that pattern and rewire their mind and heart set.
“We can all change our mindset, and we can all change our focus. When we ‘change the way we look at things and the things we look at change’.”
“I want to empower others to be abundant in all areas of their life and trust me when I say that abundance in your business endeavour isn’t just about the cash… it’s also about your health, relationship, community, contribution…”
5 Ways You Can Break out of the Box of Conformity:
Seek a deeper understanding of yourself - Mindset is everything, but it’s deeper than this. I’m not into surface level mindset, it’s the deep subconscious and superconscious programming, it’s rewiring our own system. If you think you can or you think you can’t, you are right. Mindset, Gratitude and Meditation changed my life! And it can change yours too! How the mind worked was something that always fascinated me - I find it incredible that our thoughts create our reality - we have 80,000 thoughts a day. Of those, 80% are negative and 95% are exactly the same repetitive thoughts as the day before – that’s how powerful the mind is! I am on a mission to encourage others to seek a deeper understanding of themselves, so they can experience life on another level, to feel more alive, and create more joy in their world.
Define what success looks like to you - I love that I get to support entrepreneurs and business leaders in breaking the cookie cutter model of what success looks like. Abundance and success in your start up isn’t just about the cash and bottom line… it’s also about your freedom, your flexibility, your health, relationships, contribution…
Make your own rules – Many people are often living by someone else’s rulebook, someone else’s expectations and desires. When they are living this way they can’t expect to be happy, to have success, to have an impact that nourishes their soul and heart. IF they are building a business based on someone else’s ideals, or systems that aren’t aligned then they will not be satisfied or fulfilled. As business leaders and entrepreneurs, we get to make our own rules - write your own rulebook and make your own rules - breaking free from the things you were told you should be, how you should live and what you should do.
You are allowed to pick and choose - I love the freedom that comes with my business being ME, my hours, where I get to choose to work from and most importantly who I get to choose to work with. It is important that I feel a connection and I know that I can support the people I choose to work with, if not, I refer them onto someone else. I learnt and realised that I was better to say ‘yes’ to opportunities and clients that align, and not to say ‘yes’ to everything.
Show up in the right spaces! Becoming visible and findable is more than just posting on social media or building a website. I had to show up, and show up again, and keep showing up. I started hosting live events, going to events, putting myself out there and building connections and community. I started getting asked to come and speak at events, host workshops at events and building and grow my brand. People can’t work with you if they can’t find you. People won’t choose to work with you without knowing a bit about you and learning to like and trust you.
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