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Manchester-based Life Design Strategist Set to Help Hundreds Master Their Mindset This Month
“Mastering your mindset is the foundation to making positive changes in all areas of your life”, says Life Design Strategist, Georgie Shears, a 44-year-old mum of 2, from Chorlton, who is currently putting the final plans in place for her ‘Master Your Mindset’ 5-day live Workshop next week.
Georgie, who has recently undertaken a change of career from a Health, Fitness and Lifestyle Coach to Life Design Strategist, is excited to have finally found her true passion, and is now determined to help more business owners and entrepreneurs tap into their true direction.
She said; “My mission is to help others feel empowered (in the truest sense of the word) – to rise up into their full potential and realise what important, unique, incredible, powerful and valuable human beings they are.”
From being on antidepressants at 14 into adulthood, initially triggered by rejection by her father, then suffering health anxiety as she saw loved ones die, followed by PTSD after giving birth, Georgie has suffered greatly with her mental health over the years, but has come out the other side with a true gusto for life.
Georgie knows what it’s like to feel desperately unfulfilled, to feel depressed, lost, and stuck. She’s been the people pleaser, the party girl and she’s jumped from job to job, bad relationship to bad relationship - one of which left her 50K in debt.
She’s experienced great loss and grief and has witnessed first-hand that life is short - and she’s on a mission to encourage others to grab life with both hands, and break free from the limits, created by themselves and others.
She said: “I spent years trying to put a plaster over the gaping holes in my life and it didn’t serve me well. I wasted so much time not being truly happy and I want to help others avoid this. It’s so easy to get stuck on a path, but we don’t have to stay there. At any time we can decide to master our mindset and make a change and this is something I am actively encouraging.”
Based in Manchester, Georgie’s clientele hails from diverse industries nationally and internationally, including TV, Advertising, Media, Pharmaceutical Marketing, Entertainment, Fashion, Local Government, and Education.
Georgie said; “Whilst creating my forthcoming five day ‘Master Your Mindset’ Workshop, which starts next week, I realised just how many people were struggling, like I did, to get rid of anxiety and limiting negative self-beliefs and realise and achieve their goals and dreams. I want others to know and understand that they already have the inbuilt strength and ability to establish that successful business, increase your income significantly, to feel fulfilled, accomplished… to feel good enough.”
“I searched for the answer everywhere; counselling, hypnotherapy, self-help books, websites, apps……even antidepressants for many years. Some things had definite benefits, but nothing seemed to completely ‘work’ before the anxiety, panic and self-doubt returned.
“Then I uncovered something that changed everything for me and learning to take control of and ‘Master my Mindset’ literally changed my life!”
“If you’d told me back then that learning to shift my mindset would change every aspect of my life in such a massively positive way, I wouldn’t have believed you. But it did! And, I now live a life where I KNOW my worth, I live aligned to all my own priorities running a business that fills every corner of my soul and I feel happy and fulfilling beyond my wildest dreams.”
Here are Georgie’s 5 initial steps you can take to begin ‘Mastering Your Mindset’:
Small changes…
If you are living a life that is making you unhappy, be honest with yourself, recognise this, reach out, and commit to taking action to move the dial, because your current state doesn’t need to be your forever reality. Maybe you’re feeling trapped in a job you hate, drowning in debt, stuck in a difficult relationship, or living somewhere you wish you didn’t? It’s very easy to think this is your forever but, this really does not have to be the case. You can start making even small changes, right now, to set the wheels in motion to have a very different future. What small actions can you take to create a different outcome? Identify what you CAN control and what you love doing do more of that, rather than focusing on what external factors you can’t control.
Stop putting other people’s happiness or agendas at the centre of your world, and start putting yourself there
Are you someone who is spending their days pleasing, doing everything for others, but forgetting about yourself, or living to other people’s belief systems? If so, recognise this and create some pockets of time just for you, however small at first, to take control back so your life is one driven by you, not others.
Remove stressful external factors
Are you negatively influenced watching the news/checking your social media first thing in the morning? Perhaps it makes you feel deflated, uneasy, like you’re failing, out of control, anxious even? Then stop letting these things into your life and start creating your own reality based on how you want to feel. Did you know by watching the negative stuff, you’re actually telling your brain that’s what you are interested in, and it will continue to look for more of those things through the day?
Introduce a regular morning meditation or gratitude practice
It doesn’t have to be fancy or long. Just a few minutes in the morning can really change the trajectory of your day. This way, you’ll be starting your day by creating a sense of calm and openness to positive experiences, which your brain will then think you are interested in and start to spot those instead! Try a few of these morning journal prompts; What’s one simple pleasure you’re thankful for? What’s a moment from the past week that brought you a bit of joy? What’s one thing you’re looking forward to today specifically?
Commit to learning and growing every day
Even if it’s a 5-minute read or listen to an audio book, podcast, radio show or online course. Feed that brain, grow, progress, take little steps every day into that bright future you are aspiring to.
Georgie concludes; “Remember, except for the serious stuff like unexpected health issues, nothing in this life just happens. The things that happen are a direct result of the choices you make and actions you take, every single one. You can either choose to let life happen to you, or you can make an intentional choice to create the life you want, make life happen for you.”
To join Georgie’s FREE ‘Master Your Mindset’ 5-day live Workshop, starting Monday 22nd January, please find Georgie on social media or visit her website Shift life transformation.
This was posted in Bdaily's Members' News section by Chocolate PR .