Gill Grassie Gill Grassie


Gill has over 20 years' dedicated experience in IP and IT dispute resolution. Her work covers the whole gambit of contentious IP, IT and technology and a wide variety of sectors as disparate as luxury brands, oil & gas and renewables, pharmaceuticals and financial services. She is a Law Society accredited IP specialist and has represented clients in the Court of Session in an extensive variety of high profile and complex matters. These include patent infringement, validity and entitlement disputes, brand/trade mark protection cases many for famous household brands. She has also dealt with disputes around the protection of trade secrets and confidential information, copyright and design right. She has a commercial outlook and has successfully employed the use of alternative dispute resolution methods such as mediation in many cases. Gill is also an appointed panel expert for Nominet in domain name disputes. She is a member of INTA (and sits on its Famous Marks committee), ITMA,CIPA and AIPPI.She is also a committee member of The Intellectual Property Lawyers Organisation (TIPLO), the Licensing Executive Society (LES) and the Law Society of Scotland's IP committee. She is on the Editorial Boards of and a regular contributor of articles to a number of Intellectual Property publications and is the Scottish contributor to the Chartered Institute of Patent Agents (CIPA) Guide. Gill has been named as an 'IP star' for 2014 by Managing Intellectual Property.

Gill Grassie's Profile