Southend-on-Sea is ideally placed for development and commercial investment and is home to a wealth of opportunities for businesses to develop, grow and prosper. Listed as the 8th city in the UK with the highest business start-up rate\*, Southend has a high net flow of 22-30 year olds from London due to the quality of life, value for money transportation and vibrant city atmosphere. Southend-on-Sea aims to direct companies to specialists who can offer support to enable growth, no matter what size or status. As one of the top ten fastest growing cities in the UK, Southend-on-Sea has one of the highest number of businesses per capita.\* Offering a support network from local training providers to business representation organisations such as Essex Chambers of Commerce and Federation for Small Businesses, Southend-on-Sea Borough Council provides a vital role which builds on and develops links helping lead to the economic success of local companies. For further information on the benefits of locating in Southend-on-Sea please visit and