Stuart Smith Stuart Smith


LDR Squared is a Northumberland based training provider specialising in holistic, bespoke training solutions that provide a real return on investment. The delivery team has demonstrated their competence, passion and innovation in support of organisations facing the challenges of global competition and cultural or technological change. They have developed a reputation for delivering training solutions that are focused on the business needs of employers but also flexible and aligned to the particular needs of employed learners so that the knowledge and skills are effectively transferred to the workplace. From our experience of organisations needs we have been able to design our own holistic training model which can act as a framework, or articulate the holistic training needs of any organisation. This model has three main pillars of Ensuring Compliance, Building Capacity, and Improving Competitiveness. We have also shown our ability to deliver one off training programmes in EAL Business Improvement Techniques, ILM Leadership and Management, ILM Coaching and Mentoring, Training and Assessing qualifications, as well as bespoke workshops in an array of areas.

Stuart Smith's Profile